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This is my life now


Thank you Marco Prokopetz for this gem!


Give us a minute will ya ?!

You know how in sooo many movies there are situations where if there are more than two people in the scene.. someone may say “Jake, could you give us a minute?” meaning.. Jake piss off for a bit cuz me and Patrick here need to talk in private. Ok. When the hell does that actually happen in real life?! I mean, is it just an American thing or has this actually ever happened to one of you guys? I have personally never been in a situation where I asked someone to leave so that I could talk to them in private.. if anything, I would ask the person I want to speak to, to leave the room with me and not make everyone else leave. Right?

Piss Buck

I’m sorry but this will forever be the best video on the internets

Say My Name Baby

Please watch the intro to this and then skip to 4:32 and tell me you didn’t cringe.

Tell me.


Last Chance High

I highly recommend you all to watch this Vice documentary.

“On Chicago’s West Side, there is a school for the city’s most at-risk youth — the Moses Montefiore Academy. Most of the students at Montefiore have been kicked out of other schools for aggressive behavior, and many have been diagnosed with emotional disorders. Last Chance High takes viewers inside Montefiore’s classrooms and into the homes of students who are one mistake away from being locked up or committed to a mental hospital.”


Sometimes tho yellow snow is the only snow


The creepiest thing you can do on Facebook

THIS is extremely funny! Thank you Robert for sharing this link with me!


Many of you who follow me on Instagram are familiar with the hashtag #Chefpaul. But who is #Chefpaul and what does he do?

#Chefpaul basically makes pizza all day to satisfy yours truly! And because I’m quite the pizza connoisseur myself (no one ever called me that) I think I can proudly say that he makes the best pizza in town!

Don’t believe me? See for yourself!

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I mean look at that crust!!!!

#Chefpaul also makes his own pasta, Marillenknödel, ravioli.. you name it!

For more #Chefpaul food pics check out my Instagram!

P.S #Chefpaul makes his own pizza dough!

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